December 31, 2011

 Drew sharing his cookies that Grandma Jennie gave him.
 Enjoying an ice cream cone.
Eating his dinosaur grilled cheese- he ate the head first.

December 30, 2011

 Playing with Aunt Melissa and his train at lunch.
 Taking a present to Great Grandma Jennie.
 Opening his new train.
 I think Drew may finally have the hang of opening presents.
 Playing with his new remote controlled Thomas the train.
 Opening his bath choo choo trains.
 Not quite sure how to use the sit n spin yet.
 Drew liked to spin around a time or two and then would say "all done"
Drew loves his new train pajamas!

December 29, 2011

December 28, 2011

 Drew loves to play on daddy's tablet!

 Enjoying lunch at Hu Hot with Aunt Melissa, Uncle Chris, Grandma Kate, mom and daddy.

Drew got a new hat today. He put it on just like Uncle Chris does and said "hat Chris"

December 27, 2011

Drew playing with the clock this morning- it is always good to check the time after he has been nearby.
 Drew riding his tricycle with his new helmet .

 Eating his ice cream cone while playing with his trains.
Playing with his new remote control car.

December 26, 2011

 Drew trying on an owl hat.
 Eating dinner in his new booster seat.
Drew playing on his new piano

December 25, 2011

 Drew and Aunt Jinny's opening presents.
 Playing with his new bus.
 Drew and Daddy enjoying breakfast and Grandpa Mike and Grandma Becky's house.
 Opening his stocking at home.
 The bus in his stocking went right on the train track.
 Opening his stocking at Grandpa Paul and Grandma Kate's house.
 Drew loves to smell things, so he got his own candle to smell.
 Drew and Grandpa Paul playing with Drew's new Leap Pad.
 Drew hitching a ride.
Drew helping Uncle Chris open his stocking. I love our matching stockings- thanks to Aunt Bettie for making them for all of us and for making new ones for John and Drew!

December 24, 2011

 Drew playing with his new train set.
 Waiting to eat dinner at Grandma Kate and Grandpa Paul's house.
 Drew and Uncle Chris waiting to open presents.
 Drew and Grandma opening a train.
 Drew and Aunt Melissa
 Drew in his new boots
 Drew and Uncle Chris open his train tent.
A train tent!!

December 23, 2011

December 22, 2011

 Drew loves his trains!!
 Ready for dinner.
 Jaymen helping Drew open his present.
 Drew riding his new tricycle.
Checking out Pete.