July 31, 2011

Fantastic Caverns

We took Drew to Fantastic Caverns today and he did a great job. He paid attention to the guide and watched everything! I even had a lady come up after the tour to tell me how cute and well-behaved he is.

July 30, 2011

Playing with Dad and Puck

Drew enjoyed playing with his play-doh and cutting out shapes with the cookie cutters. We made a sensory tub today with beans and construction vehicles- Drew loved playing in the tub. He thinks that it is so much fun to chase after Puck and try to grab his tail.

Drew had a great time playing in the sprinkler last night. It got him a few times!

July 29, 2011


Drew's new favorite activity is pulling the footrest out on the couch and loveseat. Then he climbs up and down.

July 28, 2011


Drew loves to try to play with Sadie. He takes the ball to her and even throws it sometimes. He also loves to chase her with his cart~ she doesn't care for it much but he thinks it is a lot of fun.

July 27, 2011

Drew and John hung out today while I was at a meeting. He loves his "big boy" car seat and clearing out the book shelf.

July 26, 2011

Drew and I made lemonade this morning- this time with the juicer that John reminded me we have.

He loves to feed Sadie a piece of dog food at  a time-sometimes she eats it and sometimes she doesn't. Then we went to the Amish store. Drew loved running around and riding in the cart.

July 25, 2011

Office Chair

Little Man has learned how to climb into the office chair~ and boy is he proud of himself. I love the different expressions I was able to catch.

July 24, 2011

Play Time

With Drew's runny nose, we decided to stay around the house today, but that didn't stop him from playing. He dumped all of the toys out of one of his toy boxes to play (I got the lip look for you mom), played Wii with John, played with the clothespin drop game that I am making for a toddler game swap for him and did some coloring.

July 23, 2011

Drew thinks he has the run of the scrapbook store and goes wherever he wants to (under tables was his favorite today)

He was very proud of himself this afternoon for getting up onto our bed by himself...great!

July 22, 2011

Drew has learned to turn himself in circles with his feet~ he thinks that it is great!

Murphy Orchard

Drew decided to help clean up this morning with one of his wipes- he is such a good helper!

Then we went to Marionville to the orchard to get peaches. Drew enjoyed pushing the cart around, watching a train go by, and then a yummy Apple Cider slush on the way home.

July 21, 2011


Drew had lunch with Grandma, Aunt Melissa, John and I today. He had a good time taking things off of his plate and putting them back on. When he woke up from his nap, Drew and I went outside and picked a few tomatoes. He picked one, smashed it and then ate it.

July 20, 2011

Shapes and cooking

Drew loves to places with his shape ball. He brings it to me and signs more because he wants me to take the shapes out over and over so that he can put them back in.

When I was making breakfast this morning Drew got out my apron and brought it to me, so I put it on him so that he could help too.

July 19, 2011

Waving Bye

Every morning when John leaves for work Drew runs to the window and watches him leave and waves good-bye.