August 31, 2011

reading and playing

Drew climbed up on the couch tonight to read. When he was finished we went outside to play for a little while before taking a bath.

August 30, 2011


This is what Drew does while I am running. I think the monotonous sound lulls him to sleep.

August 29, 2011

Drew was was watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse this morning, so he got his mickey mouse and brought him to watch too. This evening Drew and I were reading in his room, but I needed to start dinner. Drew brought his book out to read on the couch while I cooked. He also went to the Butterfly house with Grandma Kate, but it was closed today. They watched a man catch butterflies and played.

August 28, 2011


Drew had a great time playing at the park this morning and then on his computers this afternoon. He was so excited to climb up the stairs to the slide and then slide down on his own.

August 27, 2011

Fist Bump, ice cream

Drew loves to fist bump, even himself in the mirror. Drew got a birthday present today and enjoyed tearing the paper off, then he enjoyed stepping on and off the box. We made homemade ice cream tonight and Grandma Kate came over to get some too. I love the way that he was sleeping, so I posted that one too.

August 26, 2011

At the nature center and lunch

Drew went to the Nature Center with Grandma Kate this morning and then they met Aunt Melissa for lunch.

August 25, 2011

August 24, 2011

Good Helper

Drew helped dad sweep the floor today, then he took some time to read, and then brought dad his slippers. What a great little helper!

August 23, 2011

Superhero night

Drew had his first day at day care today. Between playing with the kids there and superhero night at Chick-fil-A he was one tired boy.

August 22, 2011

Park/ new table

Drew had a good time playing at the park with Grandma Kate, then he drove home and played with pots and pans. He always asks John about his tie, so John put it one him tonight. After dinner we put together the table we got at IKEA and Drew loved moving back and forth between the chairs.

August 21, 2011

Silver Dollar City

Drew got a new MP3 player, so he was trying to figure it out this morning before we headed to Silver Dollar City. Drew and Grandma Kate rode the insect ride. He tried some marshmallow icing from Grandma's cupcake and loved it! but the busy day finally caught up with him. This evening we went for frozen yogurt with Grandma and Grandpa.