September 30, 2011


One of Drew's favorite activities is to take shoes and put them in a pile.

September 29, 2011

September 28, 2011


 Drew enjoying his cupcake from Stacey's Sweets.
This sweet face makes me smile!

September 27, 2011


Drew enjoying Orange Leaf and supporting South.
 Playing on the porch with the dog.

 Talking to the dog.
Trying to get in the backyard- I think we might be in trouble.

September 26, 2011


Drew was laying on the kitchen floor while I cooked dinner tonight. Then while John was mowing the yard, Drew was mowing too.

September 25, 2011

football fun

Drew enjoyed watching football, then he turned his chair to face us. This evening Drew enjoyed playing with Aunt Jinny and Uncle Tim.

September 24, 2011

Vehicle fair

Drew had a good time looking at all of the vehicles at the fair, but he wasn't sure about getting in many of them. He also enjoyed his drink he got from the Coke truck.

September 23, 2011

Fun Day

 Playing on the rocking horse before heading to story time.
 Playing on the computer at the library.
 Drew and Aunt Melissa driving a car at Incredible Pizza
 Playing Skee Ball- FUN!!
 Reading while waiting for dinner to arrive
Enjoying the pickle that came with his dinner.
Drew had a fun filled Friday!

September 22, 2011

September 20, 2011

Cheese store

We stopped by the cheese store after school today. Drew loved all of the samples and he liked the veggie chips as well.

September 19, 2011

playing and driving

 Drew enjoyed playing in the yard tonight and then we walked around to the front yard where he wanted to get in the jeep.

Drew thought that he needed to have his seat belt on.
Drew driving the jeep.

September 18, 2011

Cider days and Halloween practice

Drew picked out eyes for his cow by himself and helped put them in, he put stuffing in the head, but wasn't sure about the stuffing machine, so Mom had to help with that. He loves the finished cow!

 Drew loves his Halloween costume. He was so excited and did not want to take it off.
Ending the day flying his plane around the house.