October 31, 2011


  Drew had a busy day visiting Aunt Melissa, Dad at work, Grandma and Grandpa, Aunt Jinny and Uncle Tim, Uncle Chris and Great Grandma Jennie. He also had pizza for lunch- we have one tired boy!  

 First House Drew went for Trick or Treating.

 Uncle Chris Chasing Drew around Nakato
Drew getting his own private show.

October 30, 2011

Halloween fun

 Enjoying pumpkin face pancakes.

 Halloween train ride.
Enjoying that his table is in the room with all of the action.

October 29, 2011

Fun filled day

 Checking out the new slippers.
 Enjoying a sucker at the Halloween festivities at grandma's church.
 Grandma helping with Drew's crepe.
 Enjoying his peach crepe at The Aviary.
 Playing with the water at Rutledge Wilson Farm
 In the Bounce House
An Andy's chocolate malt is the perfect end to the day!

October 28, 2011

 Hanging out while mom and dad get ready
 Pumpkin shaped quesadillas for lunch
 Aunt Melissa and the River Bug
 Pizza at Trunk or Treat
 Looking in a trunk
 With dad by the fire truck
 Not happy to be inside the fire truck
Enjoying the glow necklace from trunk or treat

October 27, 2011

October 25, 2011

Sick baby

 Poor little guy is sick, but getting sleep in.
Laying on dad and playing with his new Mickey radio.

October 24, 2011

 Drew and Aunt Melissa having a popsicle.

 Riding around with Grandpa- one of Drew's favorite activities.

Enjoying the tablet.

October 23, 2011

Relaxing Sunday

 Drew brought his laptop in since we were on ours and he didn't want to be left out.
 Watching the game.
 Watching dad

Enjoying some pudding and cool whip