November 30, 2011

Christmas with Great Grandma and Great Grandpa

 Drew being Santa, unfortunately he likes to throw the gifts at  you.
 Playing with Aunt Melissa
 A great Present!
 Trying to find some Christmas music
 Handing with Great Grandma and Great Grandpa

Drew loves playing with Uncle Chris- He even said his name tonight.

November 28, 2011

Drew loves riding to the mailbox on Grandpa's walker and getting the mail.

November 27, 2011

Drew did not want to go to sleep with Brett and Michelle here, but he finally gave in.

November 26, 2011

 Drew hanging out with Grandma Becky
 Getting out the angel candle holders
 Telling on Joe
 Drew put his own hat on, so it isn't on very well, but I thought the pose was funny
Helping with the NFL tree

November 25, 2011

 Waving good-bye to daddy
Grandma helping at lunch- the applesauce was very runny!

November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

 In front of a Christmas tree at Bass Pro enjoying his candy cane from Santa.
 A fork for each hand- yum!
 Pumpkin pie
Playing after dinner.

November 23, 2011

 Waiting for breakfast at Village Inn. Drew was so good even with the 50 minute wait for our food!

 Playing in a tent at Bass Pro.
New Lamb picture
Drew is practicing for Storage Wars

November 22, 2011

November 21, 2011


Drew enjoying his day painting with Great Grandma Toy, Grandma Kate and Aunt Melissa.

November 20, 2011

 Drew climbed in Daddy's lap this morning to read Goodnight Moon.
 He found the Halloween candy stash.

Playing with his monkey puppet.

November 19, 2011

 Drew started his day at Chik-fil-A for breakfast with the cow. He mooed at the cow, but wasn't too sure about him.
 Then he went to the Farmer's Market with Grandma Kate and to pick up this bear that Aunt Melissa won for him. He is trying to get in the door at a new cupcake store- Gigi's.

 This evening we went to the Ozark Christmas parade.

 Drew did a great job watching and really enjoyed his candy bar.

Enjoying dinner at Buckingham's after the parade.