January 30, 2012

 Drew loves playing in his Thomas tent.
 Trying to share his pop tart- such a sweet little guy.
 Not sure what he was telling me here
Enjoying his pop tart.

January 29, 2012

 Drew walking down to the ferry dock.
 Dad and Drew throwing rocks while we waited for the ferry.
 Here it comes...
 Drew enjoying the ride across the lake.
 We found a cache by this horse and he came over to see Drew.
 The ferry ride back across the lake- we got out this time.
 As Drew said- on a boat!
 Looking out the window with dad.
Dad and Drew finding a cache on the way home.

January 28, 2012

 Waiting for pictures this morning.
 Drew's star sandwich with his name on it. He liked finding the D.
 Waiting for some chocolate.
 Opening the heart candy box.

 Trying to make a choice.
Enjoying Pizza House- he actually liked the tomatoes and salad as much as the pizza.

January 27, 2012

 Drew laying in bed and enjoying a popsicle at grandma and grandpa's.

 Driving at the grocery store.
 Playing with his Thomas tent.
 Drew loves playing with balls and throwing them.
Hopping his banana at dinner time.

January 26, 2012

 Drew walking around this house with one of Dad's running shoes on.
He didn't want to put anything down. Holding his snack and Wilson train carrier and eating his Krispy Kreme donut.

January 25, 2012

Poor little sick guy playing trains with daddy this evening.

January 24, 2012

 Drew enjoying his ice cream sandwich.
Hanging out as he eats his yogurt and patiently waits for dinner.

January 23, 2012

 Playing with his choo choo at Grandma and Grandpa's house
Drew loves to look at pictures of people he knows. He and Brett had a great time playing together yesterday, so Drew found his picture in the photo album today.

January 22, 2012

 Drew playing with his new puzzle.
 Helping to color the rice for his sensory tub.
 All of the rice drying
 Having a great time playing. He played in the rice for over 30 minutes.
Drew put himself in time out for hitting.

January 21, 2012

 Drew playing with his new football clacker.
 Helping give Sadie her water

Enjoying his pop ice

January 20, 2012

 Laying with Shelby
 Big boy getting a drink by himself
 Drew, Grandma and the hippo in their blues
 Drew and "Aunt Lissa" coloring.
 Popping mom's bubble

Playing in his sensory tub- he got really mad when we had to put it away. I guess we will have to get it out tomorrow.