February 29, 2012

February 28, 2012

 Playing in the rain.
Drew needed to have his lemonade like mom's before we started running.

February 26, 2012

 From last night, but I had already posted. Enjoying his Andy's ice cream code.

 Enjoying his bubble bath, even putting it on his face.
 Cool Dude ready for the park.
 Enjoying a pizza picnic at the park.
 Playing football with daddy
 Sliding down the slide...
 ...and climbing back up for more.

That other slide was too little, so Drew found a bigger one.

February 25, 2012

 Drew using his mouse on daddy's computer.
 Lining up daddy's shoes
 Target for Dr. Seuss Read Across America Day
 Making some Cat in the Hat cookies
 spreading the icing on
 adding the gummies
 peeking at the hats
 putting the green yolk on the green egg
 showing me what he made
 Green eggs and Ham lunch
Enjoying lunch- he ate some of the eggs, but I don't think they will be a favorite.

February 24, 2012

 Story time activity
 Jump Mania
 Enjoying some fruit snacks and playing peekaboo with someone at Jump Mania

February 23, 2012

 Love the expression
 Enjoying his cookie from Stacey's Sweets

Helping Uncle Chris with the caulking

February 22, 2012

 Drew with Grandpa Mike at the airport.
 Plane at the airport that Grandpa Mike was on.
On the deck at the airport.

February 21, 2012

 Drew getting his post run snack- fruit snacks.
Helping to take a splinter out- he held his own tweezers while I used mine.

February 20, 2012

 Grandma took Drew to get his hair cut today.
Drew fell asleep at lunch today while the church ladies had lunch.

February 19, 2012

 Sitting with Pagoda (Aunt Jinny and Uncle Tim are dog sitting)
 Giving Pagoda a hug
Crawling under Angus
 A lion pancake in honor of our trip to the tiger sanctuary (I didn't have a tiger mold)
 Drew kept pointing and saying tiger
 Watching "Dee" the tiger- Drew liked her since that is what he calls Sadie.
 Looking at the mountain lion
 Lion sleeping in the sun
and Paul were his favorite- he would say "Dee and Grandpa Paul"