April 30, 2012

Aunt Melissa, Grandma Kate and Drew enjoying Nakato for lunch.

April 29, 2012

 Having an ice pop since he didn't feel well early in the day.
 After a long nap, Drew was feeling better, so he helped make some homemade ice cream

Having an ice cream and pie picnic

April 28, 2012

 Enjoying breakfast with the cow
 Dancing with the cow
 Climbing up to go down the slide
 Drew made friends with the older girls
 Making an ocean bottle at the park play day
 making gak
 Playing in the water
 Enjoying his smoothie and playing with the fan he made
 Having some ice cream at Sam's Taste of Spring
Getting water to water his blueberry plant

April 27, 2012

 Drew enjoyed coming to school today to pet all of the animals
 Having lunch
 Not too sure about the lime
 Drew and Grandma Kate reading a book
Watching the helicopter land

April 26, 2012

 Still a bit tired but counting away.
 Drew playing with his counting book this morning before heading to Julie's house.
The finished project from last weeks pottery painting.

April 25, 2012

 Drew and daddy went shopping at Ace hardware.
Driving his car as he gets his hair cut.

April 24, 2012

April 23, 2012

 Looking at the fish at Nixa Hardware
Playing with a paper towel roll

April 22, 2012

Silver Dollar City

 Riding the elephants

 Tall enough to ride the rides

 Riding the boats with Aunt Jinny and boy were they fast!

 Ready for the acrobats
 Riding the roller coaster with Daddy
 Getting an icee
 Yum, Yum!!
I think he is finished.

April 21, 2012

 Enjoying relaxing in the morning while mom and dad get ready.
 A cookie from the new farmer's market.
 Drew loves to ride his turtle!
 Making a smoothie with mom.

Giving the smoothie a try.