May 31, 2012

Drew is really enjoying his remote control trains now. He understands how they work and drives them everywhere
 Helping to make dessert
 finding the measuring spoons

Enjoying a glow in the dark bath

May 30, 2012

 Enjoying pizza for lunch
Pointing to a little bird on the windowsill. The man that was sitting behind us was playing with Drew during lunch and when he left he found this bird and set it down for Drew to see.
 Drew loves playing in the cars
Having Orange Leaf with Aunt Jinny and Uncle Tim

May 29, 2012

 Making a playdoh birthday cake this morning
 bringing the cake to show me
 cutting a piece of cake
 waiting for Aunt Melissa to come for lunch
 learning Japanese phrases with Uncle Chris
 Watching dad wash the jeep

 checking to make sure daddy had washed the jeep well
 drying the jeep
Having Rootbeer ice cream (rootbeer flaot) after all of the hard work.

May 28, 2012

 Ready for a run! Drew was the only stroller runner.
 Enjoying lunch
 Driving the train
 Riding the plane
 and the motorcycle
 Drew had so much fun in the water, we tried to go to a park with one today, but it wasn't working so we went back to the riverfront.
 taking a rest by the river
driving dad in the jeep

May 27, 2012

 Watching the big elephants!
 Very tall giraffe that we saw at the zoo
 Drew watching the zebras
 Drew and Daddy looking at the giraffe
 Watching the sea lions swim around
 Looking at the Meerkat- she had a baby 7 weeks ago

 Petting the goat
 Watching the rabbit in the kids zoo area
 Looking at the pigs and boy did they smell!
 Petting the goats
 Waiting for the train
 riding the train
 lounging by the pool and boy was it cold
 Wrapped up and heading back to the room

Playing in the water at the Riverwalk.

May 26, 2012

Drew didn't like that I had my bag on the floor, so he started pulling it toward the kitchen to load in the car
 Enjoying an ice cream cone

We made it to Tulsa and Drew took over the bed and the pillows!