June 30, 2012

Drew and Grandma Kate went to the Farmer's market and Auntie Anne's while mom painted. Drew enjoying his drink.
 Taking the trains down...
 turning around....
 and back up again.
Drew picked out Mickey Mouse underwear for hippo to wear today so that they could both be in their big boy underwear.
Enjoying a SnoBiz after the second day in a row of no accidents!

June 29, 2012

 Drew enjoying his Cherry Limeade while we worked at the Rosebriar house today.
 We went to Grandma Jennie's tonight to visit. Drew got to meet Jonathan
and Caroline. He had a great time running around and playing with them!

June 28, 2012

 Helping Grandma Kate make ravioli
 Concentrating on riding his tricycle
 Laying upside down on mom's lap
 Giving Sadie a drink from the pool since it was hot outside
 Helping pick basil for pesto
Spinning the washed basil before we made the pesto
Adding oil to the whoopie pies that we made
 scooping the dough onto the pan

 rolling the finished whoopie pies in sprinkles
 and finally getting to enjoy!!
Drew loves putting raspberries on his thumbs. Dad got him to stop crying by getting him to do it tonight.

June 27, 2012

 Ready for the lake!
 Drew and Uncle Chris looking for rocks to throw.
 Throwing rocks
 Waving to Uncle Chris on the SeaDoo
 Look at the big rock I found

 Uncle Chris finding rocks in the water

Having a greaet time at the lake with Mom, Dad and Uncle Chris!!

June 26, 2012

 Ran errands for 2 hours and still dry when he got home- with his new Calley train.
 Uncle Chris and Drew reading. Uncle Chris was asking Drew great questions while they read.
Talking to Aunt Melissa on the phone while he plays trains.

June 25, 2012

Wearing his caterpillar headband and holding his butterfly that we made in art class this morning.
 Putting the rice int he pot for dinner
 adding cheese to the quesadilla
 and sampling a little bit of the cheese too.
 The lady at Braum's liked Drew, so she gave him a lot of cherries on his ice cream.
Dessert with Grandma Kate- green ice cream at Braum's.

June 24, 2012

 we took the potty chair in the car when we went to lunch- no accidents during our outing!
 Having lunch at Red Robin.
 This one is for you Uncle Chris.
 Daddy put the egg on top of the sprinkler and told Drew to take it off.

 Having fun in the sprinkler.
Drew had a great time filling up the egg half- he liked walking around to each spray and trying to catch water.

June 23, 2012

 Building with his new blocks
 Our first outing in big boy underwear- no accident!

New fishing game that Drew played while trying to go potty
Tired while mommy runs, but holding on to his keyboard.
Building with Grandma Kate while mom and dad were at a wedding reception.