September 29, 2012

Drew eating popcorn and getting ready to watch the short films at Moxie mornings- the theme this week was building.

 Building with some blocks at the Moxie.
 With his popcorn heading home.
 A tomato was ready to eat!
Drew thought it would be a good idea to sit on Sadie, but she thought a belly rub was a better idea. Drew says "I was being a cowboy"

September 28, 2012

 Helping me make cinnamon chips.

Testing out the cinnamon chips with some fruit salsa

September 27, 2012

Hanging out in Grandma Toy's shirt while we worked at Rosebrier tonight.

September 26, 2012

 Drew and Sadie ready for a walk
 Having pizza at Rosebrier.
 Good thing Drew is ready to work...
He loves the tape measure! He walks around measuring everything.

September 25, 2012

 Making some cookies for Daddy- love that I caught the hand gesture as he told me something.
Drew and daddy with their computers.

September 24, 2012

 Cool dude enjoying his tricycle.

Drew and Grandpa Jerry reading a book together- Drew was so excited for Grandpa Jerry to get here!!

September 23, 2012

 Drew and Sadie enjoying the sandbox.
Having a great time on the swing.
 Playing in the swing
 Throwing the football to daddy
 Look at that throwing arm.
 Drew was a little bit scared when he knocked the door in.
 Helping dad fix the door
 Drew wanted a trailer on the back of his jeep so daddy hooked the stroller to it.
 Checking his tire. He says that it is broken and needs to be fixed at Don Wessel
Coloring in his fireman coloring book.

September 22, 2012

 If mowing the lawn were only this easy.
 Drew and Emily having some lunch and juice boxes.
 Having fun in the sandbox.
Drew drawing the winner of the lunch tote at the 31 party.

September 21, 2012

 Drew driving the car cart at HyVee- He kept saying Drive, drive drive, beep, beep

Drew and Grandma Kate went to the nature center for a presentation on butterflies today.

September 20, 2012

 Drew played in his jeep while I mowed the front yard
 and in his sandbox while I was mowing the backyard.

September 19, 2012

 Drew has a cold- he is trying to learn to blow his own nose.

 Yummy french dip for lunch.
Drew wanted some light up shoes, so we used some money that Grandma Jennie gave him to buy some. He was so excited about them, that he wouldn't take them off and kept running around the store to watch them light up. He is watching them in the mirror here.

September 18, 2012

Drew and Grandma Kate went to the zoo today to see the new baby giraffe. Feeding crackers to one of the other giraffes at the zoo.
 Drew and another little boy looking at the snake.

 Listening to the zoo key.
 I think he is thinking about how to tackle this alligator:)
 Hitching a ride on the frog.
 Yummy cheeseburger for lunch.
 Drew got a new police station to play with and he loves it!!
 With Uncle Chris at Dublin's Pass.
Hanging out with Grandpa Paul at Dublin's Pass.