October 31, 2012

 Grandma Becky
 Aunt Melissa
 Grandpa Jerry
 Uncle Chris and Shelby
 Grandma Kate and Grandpa Paul
 Aunt Jinny, Uncle Tim and Angus
Trick or Treating- Happy Halloween.

October 30, 2012

 Drew coloring pictures for Ms. Robin and Ms. Juli.

It is hard to tell, but Halloween dinner of pumpkin and ghost shaped pizzas and pumpkin pretzels.

October 29, 2012

 Trick or Treating at Grandma Jennie's house.
Drew showing Grandma Jennie how to do puzzles on his tablet.

October 28, 2012

 Helping to get the apples ready for apple pie.
 "Fixing" his play equipment with his hammer
 Enjoying some apple pie.
I had to post this one because I love his face.

October 27, 2012

 Ready for the movies at the Moxie.
 Drew and Emily at the Moxie
 The pumpkin Drew made.

 Enjoying cupcakes after the movie
Riding the caterpillar at Incredible pizza- he wore his costume to get a gift card, but we took it back to the car so he could play.

October 26, 2012

 Monster Story time at the library- Drew enjoyed making his green monster.
 Sharing French Onion soup with Aunt Melissa at lunch today.
 Boo Bash at the YMCA.

 Having fun playing games at the Boo Bash.
 Drew giving the pig a high 5

Roasting marshmallows with Daddy at the Boo Bash. Drew like roasting the marshmallows, but only eats the chocolate and graham crackers.

October 25, 2012

At Trunk or Treat Mr. Randy ,the janitor at school who loves Drew, took him to the candy room to pick out whatever he wanted.
 Trunk or Treat at mom's school
Drew was very excited to see the ambulance!

October 24, 2012

 Drew reading his book from the Czech Republic.

Drew with his new trailer that Uncle Chris built him. Now Drew has a trailer for his jeep too!
Playing with his new truck from Grandma Becky and Grandpa Mike.

October 23, 2012

Drew hanging out with Uncle Chris- he loves to play with him!

October 22, 2012

 Playing with the jeep on a beautiful October evening.
Sadie playing with the toy Drew made for her at Pets and Pumpkins Saturday.

October 21, 2012

 Riding on the Halloween train this morning
 The train
 Drew wanted to ride in a blue car
Drew playing in his garage.

October 20, 2012

 Choosing a duck at the duck pond- this is his favorite game when we go places
 Doing the cupcake walk
 Enjoying his cupcake prize
 Roasting a marshmallow- Drew enjoyed the activities and looking at the dogs dressed up for the pets and pumpkins.
 Drew pet the cow tonight at Rutledge Wilson farm.
 Picking a pumpkin

 and taking it to Daddy
 Great job posing!
 in the hay maze
 Daddy helping Drew over the hay bales
 Riding on a little tractor
and a big tractor!