July 31, 2012

Pop Rocks

 Drew loves his trucks! He got this one free at a garage sale- somehow he gets free things a lot!
He decided to move his train track to the floor to play with.
We thought it would be fun to try pop rocks with Drew. He didn't mind them at all. Uncle Chris and daddy had his open his mouth so he could hear them popping.

July 30, 2012

Fun at the Fair

 Daddy and Drew looking at a jeep at the fair.

Enjoying a cake pop and root beer at the fair.
 Catching a duck at the duck pond.
 Petting a cow- he loved the animals
Look at the baby pigs.

July 29, 2012

Lake fun

 Ready for another day of fun at the lake.
 Playing with Grandma Becky while daddy gets ready to go play.
 Having a lemonade with Grandma Becky
 Playing in the water with Uncle Tim

 Warming up
 In the back of the truck with Aunt Jinny and Uncle Tim
Uncle Tim, Aunt Jinny, Adela and Frantisek playing on the SeaDoos

July 28, 2012

 Daddy and Drew playing with his new catch game.

 Shooting his new nerf gun at the door
Enjoying a gelato at the Bistro Market.

July 27, 2012

Playing at the pool with John and Emily. Emily like the alligator squirter Aunt Melissa gave to Drew.
 Drew and John at the pool
Playing at Jumpin' Joey's.
 At the top of the small slide
 Playing on the turtle with Emily.
 I am not sure that it is really polite to laugh when a girl falls down...
 They had a great time bouncing on the turtle.
 Climbing the big wall for the slide
 Almost to the top of the big wall
We couldn't get them all three to look and smile- it may have been the sun.

July 26, 2012

 Drew visiting one of Grandma Kate's friends
 Talking to Jacob after lunch
 After lunch and the Gourmet Lunchbox- Yum!
Grandma and Mom switched spots- Lunch crew

July 25, 2012

 Drew has his noodle and is ready for the lake
 Playing with Uncle Chris... and throwing rocks
Drew said he was ready for a picnic and headed for the food- he didn't care if anyone else came along
 Drew and Daddy watching Uncle Chris on the SeaDoo
One tired little boy at dinner.

July 24, 2012

 Headed to the pool
 Swimming with Grandma Kate
 Drew loved his new swim ring
 Getting ready to leave
 Worn out after a trip to the peach orchard and the pool
We went to the store and Drew asked for corn for dinner, so we picked some up. He loves to eat it off of the cob

July 23, 2012

Drew loves to use his turtle to sit on while he plays, or to move around the house. After I took the video he wanted me to keep following him around the house taping him.

July 22, 2012

 Making a picture on his new easel.
 He had to draw on both sides of the the paper.
 Putting cheerios on his book. I think he liked the eating part the best.

 Riding his dinosaur around- thanks Aunt Jinny.
 Making Lightening McQueen cookies with Grandma Kate
 Drew and Grandpa Paul having a snack- I think Drew was ready to ride his tricycle.
Drew and Grandpa Paul with their tablets and computers.