July 21, 2012

We went to a berry festival this morning, but it was more like a craft fair, so Drew enjoyed popcorn instead.
 After that we headed to the butterfly festival.

 Playing with the bubbles
 Playing at the park after looking at the butterfly stuff

 Wearing his butterfly antennae
Frontier Days at Rutledge Wilson Farm- petting the horses
 mining for arrowheads and gems
 riding on the tractors
 He had a great time jumping in the bounce house
 When he fell he would say, "oops, that's okay."
 Running on the bridge to see the ducks.
 Talking to the ducks as they swam nearby.
 This one got out and Drew pointed to the water and said, "Get back in the water honey."
All of the ducks back in the water where they should be.

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