August 31, 2012

 Having lunch with mom at school. Drew even helped with lunch duty.
Playing with Aunt Jinny and Uncle Tim.

August 30, 2012

Enjoying a "blue and green and chocolate" ice cream cone after a rough day at daycare.

August 29, 2012

 Drew talking to Grandpa Paul and Grandma Kate on the phone- he loves to talk on the phone!!
 Gummy bears on his custard

August 28, 2012

 Blowing bubbles while mom runs.
Playing in the sandbox with Uncle Chris- Drew LOVES playing with Chris!

August 27, 2012

 Building roads while mom made dinner.
 Running around the yard
It was a beautiful night to play in the sandbox.

August 26, 2012

 Drew making his pizza for  dinner.

 watching the pizza cook
 Getting ready to enjoy

August 25, 2012

 This one is for Daddy- Drew helping put the lawn mower away
 Having a hot dog at the zoo picnic
 Feeding the giraffe- he wasn't sure about it this year.
 Drew liked this giraffe better.
 climbing on the elephant
watching the albino peacock

August 24, 2012

 Drew watching "my tube" and having a snack.
 Riding his hotwheels.
 Playing at the vets office.

 Skeeball at Incredible pizza.
 Aunt Melissa watching Drew driving.
Drew and Aunt Melissa playing Stinky Feet.

August 23, 2012

 We went to the Farmer's market this afternoon. Drew waiting for a thin mint crepe from the Aviary.
Drew trying the mint crepe. He liked the chocolate.

August 22, 2012

 Daddy and Drew went to the park to play today.

Drew was singing his ABC's tonight so I tried to record him, but he wouldn't sing the whole song on camera.

August 21, 2012

 Drew, Rayce and Finley at Mrs. Julie's house today.
 Look at my ice cream cone!
Boy did he enjoy it!

August 20, 2012

August 19, 2012

We went to St. Louis for John to go to Continuing Education classes and Drew and I could help Grandma Toy and Grandpa Jerry pack. Daddy helped Drew was up this morning.
 Drew trying on Grandpa Jerry's hat ...
and then Grandma Toy's hat.

August 17, 2012

 Playing with his car on the patio at the Rosebriar house.
 Drew picked some tomatoes and ate them while they were there- yum!
Yummy pizza!!!

August 16, 2012

Drew stayed with Grandma Kate today because he woke up running a fever. They made a trip to the orchard this morning and then hung out at home resting for the rest of the day.

August 15, 2012

 Yummy lunch with daddy.
 Drew and Maria playing with the fish at Adela and Frantesik's going away party.
 Drew loves to play in Uncle Tim's race car!
Drew and Frantesik