August 4, 2012

Busy Day

We went to a vehicle fair at the Ozark Park today. I didn't get a picture of the trash truck, but he enjoyed looking at it, as well as everything else. Here he is looking at the sheriff  motorcycle. The Sheriff turned on the lights for him and gave him a sticker.
Getting ready to drive the ATV,
then he decided that Grandma needed to get in too.
 Climbing on the caboose and
 under it too.
 Playing with the gears on another tractor
We also went to the new Credit Union opening because Aunt Melissa was there with the radio station. They have a great play area for the kids to play while the parents do their banking.
 Saying hi to Kirby Kangaroo
 Enjoying the bounce house
 They had lunch there as well- watermelon- yummy!
 Having a hot dog, chips and sprite with Grandma Kate.
After nap time we went to a lego party at John and Emily's house. We played on their play equipment too.
Drew said he was "way up high!"

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